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Understanding Seasonal Changes

To many people, autumn signifies the end of summer, bringing shorter days, longer nights and cold, damp weather. The time change at the end of October, when we turn the clocks back an hour, can significantly impact many people’s physical and emotional wellbeing. This sudden shift can disrupt our circadian rhythms and exacerbate feelings of fatigue or low mood.

For those more sensitive to seasonal changes, autumn can unveil a weakened adaptability, resulting in a spectrum of symptoms that disrupt our wellbeing. As cold viruses begin to circulate more freely, especially in crowded spaces like public transport or schools, our bodies may struggle to maintain balance.

The Homeopathic Approach

Homeopathy offers a unique perspective on these seasonal shifts. It views our autumnal symptoms not as isolated occurrences, but as part of a broader individual picture, providing tailored remedies to support our transition into the cooler months. By understanding our body’s response to seasonal changes and having appropriate homeopathic remedies on hand, we can embrace autumn with greater resilience and vitality.discharge.

Remedies For Autumn Ailments

Aconite: Useful at the very onset of colds or flu. Helps with sudden anxiety related to seasonal shifts. Addresses symptoms that come on suddenly after exposure to cold, dry winds.

Arsenicum Album: Helpful for anxiety and restlessness associated with seasonal changes. Supports the immune system, especially for those prone to catching colds easily. Addresses fatigue and chilliness common in autumn.

Gelsemium: Excellent for flu-like symptoms that come on gradually. Addresses fatigue and heaviness, particularly in the limbs. Helps with mental fog and difficulty concentrating

Natrum Muriaticum: Beneficial for those who find the transition emotionally difficult. Helps with feelings of sadness or mild depression as days shorten. Useful for colds with clear, runny discharge.

Pulsatilla: Helps those who become emotionally sensitive or weepy with the change of season. Good for changeable moods that may accompany hormonal fluctuations. Useful for colds with thick, yellow-green discharges.

Bryonia: Excellent for dry coughs that worsen in cold air. Helps with irritability that comes from feeling unwell. Addresses aches and pains that may worsen with the dampness of autumn.

Rhus Toxicodendron: Helpful for joint stiffness that may worsen in damp, cold weather. Addresses restlessness and mild anxiety. Useful for some types of skin conditions that may flare up in autumn.

Allium Cepa: Excellent for colds with profuse, watery nasal discharge that burns the nose or upper lip. Helpful for sneezing and watery eyes, similar to hay fever symptoms. Addresses the tickling cough that often accompanies the start of a cold

Generally, these remedies are taken in 30C potency, 3 times daily for acute symptoms. However, while these remedies can be beneficial, it’s always best to consult with a qualified homeopath. They can provide a remedy that matches your unique symptom picture and constitution.

Here’s to a healthy, balanced transition into the cooler months!


The information contained herein should not be used as a substitute for the advice of an appropriately qualified and licensed healthcare physician or other healthcare providers. The information provided here is for informational purposes only. The views, positions and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and do not necessarily reflect the views of CHE or affiliated organisations.


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